Frequently asked questions

Where do I find my Notice Number?
You will find this on the notice, letter or email we sent to you. It is a 16 digit reference number commencing with "032"
How long do I have to submit a nomination or admission?
You must provide the required information within 28 days of the date that the Request for Driver Information was served. (Section 172 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.)
What should I do if the person I am nominating lives abroad?
Unfortunately, you will not be able to complete the online nomination. You will need to complete and sign the form on the reverse of the notice and return it to Lincolnshire Police.
What should I do if I do not have the complete address, e.g. just the street name?
You will be unable to complete the online nomination on this Portal. You should complete and return the paper form as directed on the notice, including explanatory information.
What is an electronic signature?
You will not be able to submit your nomination without completing this field and ticking the box stating that you are the person/representative of the company that this letter is addressed to and that the information that you have provided is true to the best of your knowledge and belief I make it knowing that if it is I have tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I wilfully stated that which I know to be false or do not believe to be true. Without this, you have not complied with the (C.J Act 1967, s9) (M.C. Act, ss5A 3A and 6B).
How do I view the camera calibration certificates?
To view the camera calibration certificates visit:

It is important to understand the type of camera that is in use. Some are permanent fixtures and will have a certificate for the location, for example Specs and Vector cameras.

Other cameras are capable of being used at several locations and the certificate relates to the camera not the location. These cameras such as GATSO, DCAM and LaserLite are identifiable by the offence imagery data at the bottom of the image.